Young People Should Experience Education Justice

We believe that dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline is not limited to ending racially disproportionate suspensions from school, but requires designing the new, affirming, and inclusive learning environments that give space for young people to experience safety, wellness, and freedom. We believe we are working to create the Schools Girls Deserve.

The School Girls Deserve is a 2016 report and the result of a participatory action research (PAR) process with over 100 New York City public school students. The policy strategies articulated in the report are the framework from which we build all of our policy advocacy at GGE:

  • Invest in Holistic Curriculum and Pedagogy;
  • Decriminalize Learning Environments;
  • Create Safe and Supportive Learning Environments; and
  • Create Resourced and Dignified Schools.


Reports & Fact Sheets

Testimony & Letters

Public Statements & Press